so 今週は保護ワンコ達の健康のことが あって ...etcetera..plus...job残業が重なってdown
脳内をreset .. 休息。
自然の中で 生活する力強い女性 の動画を 日替わりで upすることにしました。
;日替わりtimeは8:00 am位 です.... .残業続きですと翌日になります!!-_-;
At 6 o'clock, the girl spread her net to catch fish to sell, making a living on the lake.....
Fishing on the lake, the girl's daily life. .. tata.... The girl uses a bamboo boat to go fishing. use fishing nets to sell to make ends meet..........
The girl uses a giant trap to catch fish at night. Use a fish bait bulb. Life onhe lake.. The girl spread a net on the water overnight to catch giant carp, survival life
Best Fishing Video | Beautiful Girl Hunting Giant Carp .... Best Fishing Video | Tilapia Fishing Girl at the lake of god |Amazing Fishing
少女は重さ100ポンドのイノシシを背負って川を渡った - キャンプでのサバイバルスキル ....Building a 2-Story Wooden House on a Tall Tree - Wood Flooring/ No Blueprint,
Fishing overnight to catch big fish. A girl's livelihood on the lake ....The girl spread a net overnight on the water, caught many big fish
Casting Nets To Catch Many Big Fish On The Big Lake - Harvest many fish go to market sell... ?&autoplay=1
Full video: 30 days survival and bathe comfortably in the wild - Bushcraft camping | Ms yang.... 少女は激しい雨に耐えて、大きな岩の下に避難所を建てました。 - MsYang Survival ....With ancient fish trapping skills, Ana has caught many big fish.... Bushcraft camping tent rainy day - Relax and cook wild - Msyang
Full video: 90 days of building a wilderness shelter - bushcraft survival camping, wild harvest ?? Tri?u Th? D??ng
川魚をたくさん捕まえて燻製して、荒れ地に住む |パート2 MsYang Survival..Yang Bushcraft.... ズオン夫人
犬と寝るFlood Sweeps Away Cabin, Critical Hunger and Cold - Leaving Landslide Area...,No Problem. Part 4
The girl spread a net overnight on the water, caught many big fish to sell. New life on the lake....Flood Sweeps Away Cabin, Critical Hunger and Cold - Leaving Landslide Area..., Part 6....Casting Nets To Catch Many Big Fish On The Big Lake - Harvest many fish go to market sell...
Lake Life: Catching Fish ....fishing video-Girl fishing in the river......Best Fishing Video | Beautiful Girl Hunting p....
The girl built a new boat...The girl completed a boat made of steel and concrete.
字が読めない男性を馬鹿にする店員に怒り WWYD 日本語訳 【スカッとする話】貧乏でクリスマスフ゜レセ゛ントか゛ない女の子と学校の先生
人生初めて日本の喫茶店に行って北朝鮮人の女性が衝撃を受けました...和菓子. 北朝鮮で一番噂の国、....初来日した韓国人女性が初めて日本のショップに行って衝撃を受けました...日本は全く違う.
Posted by こるとれーんtone at 07:23